Timeshare Booking

Ai Chat Bot Booking PoC

How to seamlessly incorporate an Ai powered chat with predictive response options into a timeshare booking platform while maintaining consistency of the brand and experience.


Senior UX Designer
Team Lead

Team Details

3 Designers
1 Lead & 1 Designer, 1 Researcher


1 Week

01. Overview

We were tasked with coming in and rapidly creating a Proof of Concept (PoC) for Vista Luxe Hotels, to illustrate how an Ai powered chat booking feature could be seamlessly integrated within their existing experience.

We were tasked with:

  • Maintain the existing brand and experience, the integration should be as light of a touch to the experience as possible.
  • The bot should replicate the current journey the user is taken through when booking a timeshare reservation in the Vacation Club
  • Simplify where possible and identify areas of possible improvement.

02. Process

Discovery and Delivery

With such an extremely condensed time frame from conception to delivery we began by performing an evaluation of the competitors’ sites as well as documenting the current experiences the client has in place for booking a hotel or timeshare. We also did a bit of research on to the chat feature and what the limiting capabilities were within it.

This compilation was then placed on a shared digital board, and as a team went through and highlighted what we did and didn’t like and what could be improved. In addition, we were able to further refine an initial script outlined by the client for the bot to follow that matched the current booking experience.

This resulted in a quick ½ day exercise which helped to establish a clear vision for the PoC before we ever began any work of putting the flows together.

Detailed Design and Delvery

With the script, competitor analysis, and inspiration board in place we began to rough together the flow over the next couple of days. This process involved reworking and aligning the booking experience against the script the bot would follow, creating predictive moments in which the bot could suggest responses, and creating the necessary assets for the screens that would be new enhancements. We also envisioned how this experience would launch from the main dash and allow the user to transition from their existing Vista Luxe Hotels experience into this automated booking experience.

During this design process we also documented multiple areas that we would like to run user testing on to validate the experience, if the client decided to move forward with the PoC.

With the screens complete, we handed the work off to our video editor who complied this experience into a video prototype that could be shared with the client to help further illustrate how this experience could work and demo its potential capabilities.

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