Ticket Management

Clinical Company PoC

How a Customer Service Representative (CSR) can ensure the timely handling of STAT orders by giving instructions for pickup. drop off, cancellations, and route update/changes.


Senior UX Designer
Team Lead

Team Details

3 Designers
1 Lead Designer & 2 UX Designers


5 Days

01. Overview

Our team was asked to come up with a Quest Proof of Concept (PoC) where the goal would be to devise a Fleet Management application addressing the use case of a STAT order fulfillment that would allow the Customer Service Representatives (CSR’s) to:

  • Mange master data for Customers, Routes, Labs, Fleets, and Drivers
  • Assign/Scheduled routes as changes dictate
  • Receive and update customer information (on demand)
  • Ensure smooth data flow/integration

03. Process

Discovery and Delivery

The goal was to do as much discovery and research as possible with-in a 2-day time frame out of our 5-day project window. We began the project by looking at other fleet management and order fulfillment applications, highlighting what we liked best from these competitors and putting together an inspiration board in Figma. At the same time, we took the client provided ask deck and detailed information and established a user persona for our CSR as well as a user journey we could likely expect the CSR and Driver to go through as they performed all the necessary actions to take on, schedule, mitigate changes, and complete a STAT ticket. This information was validated with the pitch team, our SME’s in this scenario, as being correct. We also worked to highlight key additional or nice to have asks in our journey that the client had mentioned.

Detailed Design and Delvery

From the Discovery and Research phase we moved into design for the remaining 3-days of our 5-day project window. During this design phase we laid out our screens to reflect the user journey we had previously established. For our “look and feel” we drew inspiration from the client’s website, as well as we downloaded and created an account with their end user iOS application to see what patterns and styles they had in place.

During the creation of the screens, we noticed that the entire design was very Green heavy, and an Accessibility concern was raised about user having a Deuteranopia/Protanopia Red-Green color confusion. We addressed this using a color vision tool to ensure there was no impact illegibility/usability in the design.  We also ensured that every item also featured a label and clearly defined padding/margins around each item to improve their accessibility.

We brought all these pieces together to create the high fidelity PoC screens which were then exported and placed into a deck where we then laid red-lined annotations of expected functionality over the top of each visual. This compiled deck was then share back with the Pitch team who could present the concepts to the client.

04. Results

In a very truncated 5-day project frame, we were able to deliver a PoC that addressed the users’ key concerns through the life cycle of a STAT ticket. Our concept was able to:

  • Improve the communications between the CSR’s and the drivers throughout the lifecycle of a ticket
  • The CSR can view details and schedule against in-house and external facilities
  • They can manage their fleet and see alive view of each truck’s location and details about its current route
  • Communicate directly with the driver though a built-in chat feature
  • Provide the CSR with notifications throughout the process to ensure a smooth process from start to finish
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